Public Access to Information
The information on this website fulfils the City’s constitutional obligation, in terms of South Africa’s Promotion of Access to Information Act (No. 2 of 2000), to ensure transparency and accountability in its affairs, and to ensure that that the public has effective access to information about the City and its governance. The responsibility for Access to Information is housed in the City Manager’s Office.
How to request information To request access to information about a public body you need to complete a Request for Access to Record of Public Body form. This form must then be delivered to the Deputy Information Officer, Adele Seheri Deputy Information Officer Adele Seheri P O Box 1014 Durban 4000 Room 5, Ground Floor City Hall, Dr. Pixley Kaseme Street Entrance, Durban 031 3112390/91 How do I appeal? You may lodge an appeal about refusals, fees, delays, and the form on which your information is provided (i.e. on CD or paper). All access to information appeals should be submitted to the delegated office of the Information Officer. All appeals will be forwarded to the Office of the City Manager.
New PAIA Request Form PAIA Request Form PAIA Outcome of Request and of Fees Payable Form PAIA Internal Appeal Form Deputy Information Officer: Ms MA Seheri Landline: 031 3112390 Fax: 031 3112171 How long does it take? The law dictates that your request must be met within 30 days. However, because it can take longer to find the record that has been requested, the City is allowed to extend the period by a further 30 days. The Information Officer must tell you if your request will take longer than 30 days. If you have not received the information within 30 days (or the extended period), the law regards this as a ‘refusal,’ and you may appeal. Do I have to pay? Yes, you usually pay R35 for an application fee, and an additional fee, based the size of paper, for each photocopied page, except if you: - are a single person whose annual income, after permissible deductions, does not exceed R14 712 a year
- and your life partner/spouse together have an annual income that does not exceed R27 192, after permissible deductions
- are looking for personal information about yourself
- are looking for information that is automatically available